Wednesday, 5 December 2007

festive shopping

Did I mention that I simply love this christmas season?? In case I haven't, I really love it. The fun of shopping and buying, with valid reasons, is something I look forward to every year, although my wallet is thinking otherwise.

Each time I look for something for my friend/relative, I ended up buying another piece for myself. Of course I don't buy things that I like, I take into consideration the needs and interests of the recipient too. However, smart alec me is able to marry their needs and my interest in many occasions. Hence, I ended up spending far more than what I had prepared for. Next month will be a super tight month, lets not think that far.

I think I'm almost done, I've even bought the office gift exchange item, a cute envirosax shopping bag, which again, sets me contemplating whether to get one more for myself. If the gift exchange is conducted like last year's (snatch your gifts), I'll probably pick my gift. Heh.

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